image of clown-like fools marching in a parade

We are about to enter the season of Advent, which puts a laser focus on the words of the Prophet Isaiah, whose predictions of the coming of the Messianic age are utterly incredible. We should take them to heart this season.

But Isaiah is not called a prophet without reason. The words of the title of this blog come from him (Isaiah 3:4), and they are a shocking prophecy that speaks to the current problems we are experiencing in a post-sanity America.

They announce the awful truth that when a nation will not turn back to God as the source of justice and righteousness, the nation as a whole merits a punishment it doesn’t expect or want: the nation becomes governed by worthless people.

It’s almost as if God is saying, “Okay, you want to stubbornly reject wise counsel and righteous governance? Fine. Then deal with the consequences.” Or, as Bishop Fulton Sheen once noted perceptively (I’m paraphrasing): “God says to those who want to go their own way: ‘Thy will be done.’”

Parents certainly know this reality and how much it must wound God’s Heart. Rebellious children usually need to learn by suffering when they won’t learn by listening or following wise guidance.

Is this the reality of America right now? Have we rejected God for so long that now He is leaving us to our own devices?

The Wicked Rule Us

It’s not too hard to see that some very wicked individuals now govern our nation and are pushing for even more power and control over us. That possibility is frightening in the extreme. Everywhere we look we see coercion and corruption from the wicked rulers of this land:

  • The Deep State,
  • The Media-Democrat Industrial Complex,
  • The corruption of the courts,
  • The Social Media conglomerates doing the government’s dirty work of censorship, etc.

I could go on, but why? Everyone knows that the fickle and perverse are governing us—just look at their pictures! And of course, now, certain individuals and groups are being singled out as “enemies” which is the clearest sign that, soon, everyone who doesn’t conform to the wicked agendas will be singled out and punished in a generalized persecution.

But let’s not remain in denial. If these wicked people who operate as one single and powerful block of interests against America reach a tipping point of control, America is finished as a nation. They are hoping that the 2024 election is that tipping point.

The Fickle

The most mystifying part of this equation is not simply that the enemies of America are wicked but that they are also incompetent and arrogant. Everywhere they govern, things fall apart. Everything they touch, they corrupt. Every decent institution of our society they deface and degrade.

The prophecy of Isaiah about “the fickle” was not only for the people of his time. It applies to us.

Pray, pray, and pray some more!