***A Note to All Perceptive Readers***

It would be easy to claim that this prediction turned out to be wrong. Fair enough. Michele Obama is not running. HOWEVER, if you read this article carefully, you’ll notice some eerie similarities between a purported Michele candidacy and the actual Kamala candidacy. You can make your own judgments on the matter.

~Peter Darcy


While Trump is riding high in the polls right now, especially after his rally in the Bronx, let me offer a cautionary scenario. It’s about Michelle.

On March 4th, Michelle Obama issued a statement denying that she is running for President, and David Axelrod, Obama’s fixer, said the idea of replacing Biden is a “fantasy”. Don’t believe a word they say.

Don’t forget: 54% of Democrats want Joe Biden replaced as 2024 nominee. It’s my view that they want you to think she’s not running because when she does, the contrast between her and the decrepit old Biden will be so dramatic as to unleash the tsunami of positive emotion they need to turn the tide in their favor and against Trump, who owns all the momentum right now.

If the election is fair (which is by no means assured), then Trump vs. Biden is a catastrophic loss for the Democrats, and they know it. They’re letting Joe crawl out on a limb and hang himself right now. That’s deliberate on their part. Trump vs. Michelle, however, changes everything.

The Democrats need an emotional onslaught of epic proportions to burst Trump’s dominance and get all their Biden-disaffected voters back. Voting for Trump requires a reasonable decision. Voting for Michelle only requires emotion, and emotion wins elections, not reason.

And if there is something that Americans can’t resist, it’s a celebrity.


So, super-mega-celebrity-rock star Michelle is waiting in the wings, biding her time. It’s not hard to see how miserably Biden is losing the long-standing constituencies of the Democrat Party, particularly blacks and Hispanics.

But the party cannot afford to have these demographics leave the plantation so…they will replace him. In fact, they MUST replace Biden.

As to how the party will manage to undo the twin problems of Joe and Kamala no one knows for sure, but please stop thinking it will be a problem for them. It’s not.

Democrats operate by the law of the jungle. Removing those two clowns will undoubtedly be a masterpiece of political gamesmanship and brutality, but it won’t be difficult. They will remove them as easily as they installed them in 2020.

The other thing we know about Democrats is that they don’t play to lose. I suspect the coup will happen at the party convention when the party delegates will—in unison—acclaim Michelle their new Dear Leader so that she doesn’t appear as though she really wants it.

On the contrary, she will appear as a reluctant, self-effacing, and ever-so-humble average American just bowing to the demands of her party and grudgingly accepting the mantle of leadership that will require her to put aside her famed hatred of politics and accept this burden of responsibility “for the country.” Such a generous soul!

When the choice is between Biden and Trump, people abandon the leftist policies that have caused them so much harm. They are gradually getting the idea that voting for Trump is a good thing. But if the choice is between Michelle and Trump, some base irrational impulse will take over, and they will pretend that all the damage of the past four years didn’t actually happen.

Oh, but that could never happen here, could it? Watch.

The Coronation Process

In addition to the humungous sigh of relief that Biden is no longer running, the party and their fanatical allies in the media will immediately bestow upon Michelle numerous Royal Titles and Holy Anointings that will be an eerie repeat of Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008, except with a feminist twist. Here is how it will all play out.

  1. The Hope and Change Messiah 2.0. As soon as it becomes clear that Michelle is running, she will be immediately anointed as the Hope and Change Messiah 2.0 by the press, and we will never hear the end of it. The Left simply cannot win on merits. They periodically need a guru-like “savior” to rescue the Party, which is always proposed deceptively as rescuing America. Her husband swooped in after the disaster of GW Bush with an uber-positive message and the nebulous agenda of salvific “change”. The fact that Americans now want change from the past four years of Dem wreckage will be entirely ignored. Michelle O. is on recent record saying that she is terrified of losing our democracy. That’s code for “Gosh, even though I said I was not running, at some point I might HAVE TO run…to save democracy…” from Trump, of course. So noble!
  2. The Most “Historic” Everything. Don’t ever forget how the “first black president” emotion irrationally gripped America in 2008. It’s an irresistible siren call for the left. Michelle will be the “first woman President” in American history (where the hideous Hillary failed), but more importantly, she will be the “first black woman President” in American history, an utterly unbeatable combination. On top of that, Barack will be back in the White House as the “first black First Gentleman” (hey, king and queen together!), and it will be first time in American history that an ex-President is succeeded by his wife rather than by his son! OMG Historic!
  3. The Great Unifier. Not only will element of surprise generate oceans of gushing good will toward her, but Michelle will then be hailed as the Great Unifier of America. The hoardes of “why can’t we all just get along?” uncommitted voters will jump at this great savior coming to the fore. We will be treated to endless reruns of Barack’s disingenuous 2008 speech claiming “there is no black America or White America but only the United States of America,” yadda, yadda. In contrast, Trump will be painted as the “convicted felon” tyrant who has divided and wounded the nation, which now needs a mother-goddess to nurse it back to health. None of that is true, of course, but perception is truth, and perceptions are all that matter in this game.
  4. The Queen Shall Not Be Vetted. Being chosen as the immaculate monarch at such a late date in an election season, she will receive exactly ZERO scrutiny by the press (just like her husband). All talk of her never having held public office and her total absence of qualifications for the highest office in the land will be ruthlessly shouted down or purged as “disinformation”. There will be no debates with Trump and no hard work of actual campaigning. Her strategy will be to headline only mega glorification rallies in gigantic stadiums on the order of Barack’s 2008 campaign, and she’ll appear only in puff pieces and exclusive glossy features of the fawning press who will offer their due worship.
  5. Obama‘s Literal 4th Term. For the coalitions of leftists and globalists that are currently in control of our politics and institutions, the next election is an existential one. They know that a 4th term of Barack Obama will not only save them from extinction but also solidify their power over and against any opposition. We already lack any real opposition party in our country, so they are just one election away from turning America into California, New York, Michigan, Illinois, etc. Any one-party state will do. And one-party states of any size do not allow their opponents to win elections.

The Tidal Wave Effects on the 2024 Election

Michelle Obama’s three month candidacy will have a tidal wave effect on our nation like nothing we’ve ever seen, and it will be worse than Hurricane Andrew. Expect the following dynamics to dominate the race from August to November and change America irrevocably:

  • The corpse of Hollywood will suddenly come back to life like the beast of Revelation (13:3.12), and appoint themselves the official troubadours of this glorious gospel message to the human race.
  • Unlimited money will flow into Democrat campaign coffers from all over the world (and somehow everyone will ignore the fact that foreign interference in our campaigns is illegal. Only “Russia collusion” matters.)
  • Screams of “Never Going Back!” will issue from every nook and cranny of the media machine and corrupt institutions of our culture. Why elect an old, white, male, criminally-convicted ex-President when you can have a smiling young, fresh, black, celebrity female in office? The fact that we will actually be “going back” to Barack and his failed presidency will not at all be an issue.
  • Democrat voter registrations will skyrocket exponentially because the army of voter fraud non-profits currently in charge of that dirty business will assure that the numerical superiority of Democrat voters in key states—whether real or not—will have no possibility of challenge by voter integrity groups. That will also make certain that…
  • Every single poll will show “Michelle by a landslide” over Trump—ad nauseam.
  • All “independents” will finally have permission to show their true colors and vote Democrat.
  • The spineless Republicans will be cowered into submission by such an onslaught of “hope and change” emotion that they will not dare utter a word of criticism of the new messiah-queen. They will also lose their enthusiasm for backing Trump because the new Obama administration might retaliate against them in the future.
  • Fox News will trot out “senior political analysts” who will express in quietly excited tones how impressed they are with Michelle (reminiscent of Charles Krauthamer who swooned over Barack in 2008).
  • All college students will immediately get in line to become leftist voters. The anti-Semitic miscreants who are currently protesting Biden’s events will go strangely silent because Michelle will be their Great Defender of Gaza henceforth, and all Muslims—whose values are totally at odds with the insane Dem platform—will mysteriously vote Democrat.
  • Voter fraud will be committed at such an epidemic level that it will be impossible to counteract. In fact, the enthusiasm for Michelle will push the margin of votes so close to or beyond Trump’s that any suspected fraud will be shouted down as “Trump lost, get over it.” They may not even need to use the 10 million+ illegal alien votes this time around.
  • The servile judiciary will dismiss every single lawsuit attempting to address voter fraud, branding these efforts as election tampering, and many people will go to jail to make an example of all such unpatriotic activities. (I hope you’re aware that Rudy Giuliani and election lawyers in Arizona have already been indicted for questioning the integrity of the 2020 election.)
  • The coattails of a mega-star celebrity winner will sweep most of the struggling down-ballot Dem candidates into office because all Republican candidates will be smeared with Trump and cannot possibly be “hope and change” enough.
  • Joe Biden will go off into the ether as an “elder statesman” figure of American politics. They will allow him to pardon his criminal progeny as he exits stage left. And as long as he goes quietly, they will assure him, with a wink and a nod, that he will not spend a moment in jail for all his crimes against our country.
  • And it’s entirely possible that Michelle will be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

This is another way of saying that unless we understand this election as an existential threat to our whole civilization (not just our nation or way of life), everything will be gone in a heartbeat.

Look at how easy it was for the elite powers to shut down our entire nation during COVID or to destroy every conceivable blessing of American culture in just a few years. Look at how easily the leftists get everything they want in Congress even though, theoretically, Republicans have the majority in the House.

In short, once the leftists achieve one-party hegemony, there will be no stopping them from corrupting and overtaking literally everything. The emotional onslaught of Michelle Obama will be utterly irresistible, and no human or political force will be able to stop the tsunami. Only the divine power of God will undo it.

I hope to be proven wrong about all that I’ve said above, and I will humbly acknowledge my error in November if I need to. But I doubt I will.

The Hope and Power of Prayer

If this article has sobered you about the meager prospects of taking our country back, it’s meant to.

The people in charge of all the institutions of our society right now are not at all interested in being subservient to a Constitution, and they are not of God in any appreciable way. They are lords and masters of the universe in their own minds, and they need to destroy America to implement their globalist agenda.

Let me repeat that: these criminals NEED to abolish America as a constitutional republic. They are obsessed with it, and they maintain a fanatical focus on that agenda with a conspiratorial coordination of efforts this country has never seen before.

We must not indulge our illusions and think that the left is going to go quietly. They are already too powerful. If we didn’t learn anything about their nefarious tactics from the last two elections, it’s our fault. We have to have our eyes open to acknowledge that the enemies of America are in our midst, and they are irredeemably evil.

BUT, even though they have the Deep State, law enforcement, Hollywood, the satanic media, academia, and all the corrupt institutions of culture… we have God. Which means we are not without tangible hope for the future.

It’s not “hope and change”. It’s hope in Christ and in His power to save us. We simply cannot place our hope in any human efforts or institutions, as much as we must support every honest effort to bring things back to sanity. The point is that we are way beyond the point of no return for this country in a human sense.

Which also means that we need to get down on our knees every single day and ask others to do so for the sake of our republic.

This is our constant message: PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!